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2020 Haiku Contest – The Winners!

2020 Haiku Contest Results

Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Dreamers Haiku Contest!

Once again, hundreds of haiku were submitted to this year’s contest. This is a hard contest to judge as there are so many great haiku poets out there! Ultimately, we chose a 1st place winner, a 2nd place winner, and 5 honourable mentions.

Thank you once again to guest judge, Dr. Reinekke Lengelle, Symposium Co-Editor for the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling and Assistant Professor at Athabasca University.

1st Place:
Haiku Contest - Cherry Blossoms
Haiku in the Time of Pandemic

by Hernani Francisco de Leon

April in High Park
Pink petals from Sakura
Fall through empty hands

2nd Place:

by Diana Woodcock

on the Zambezi
I float dragonfly-easy
Laze like crocodile

Honorable Mentions
A Begging Heart

by Roumiana Karapetrova

You drop a coin
In my beggar heart bowl
It sings for one brief moment.

A Thicket

by Crystal Bowden

If I painted you
it would be in long strokes,
sweeping tones of earth.


by Barrie Levine

Memory skips and skims
Needle on a scratched LP
Jumping the deep grooves.

Haiku On The Moon

by Michael Baldwin

The fat yellow moon
fell into the lake tonight
But made not a splash

November morning

by Christine Hanolsy

Dawn is a grey cat.
Watch: even the frost-lined leaves
Barely make a stir.

To read more haiku, check out last year’s winners!

Read more poems, like:

Dream Upon Dream
The Worst Drunk Poem I’ve Ever Written
Writing Myself Alive: An Episodic Poem
Maybe a Mango, Recovery, Yearly Physical
“In Her Garden” and “Fresh News”
This Is What Death Does
Rainlight, No Last Words
The Space I Take
The damsel in distress was not for me…
before whisky after jazz
Things I’ve Learned on the Road
We grew up on fear and became heroes…
To be in the Summer **CONTEST WINNER**
