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– Poetry by Rebecca Wickens –

Rebecca Wickens

Your love wasn’t conditional –
It was trapped inside a heart afraid to beat out loud.
Your love wasn’t conditional –
It was off in the distance
A misty, muted love
Filtered through your camera lens
Edges blurred and soft.

We took that distance for disinterest.
Whether you were protecting yourself
Or us
From the inevitable pain a father inflicts,
Or the disappointment you knew we would feel
In you, a human being unworthy of love
I can’t say for sure.
And I can no longer ask.

But I do know – now – that your love was unconditional.
Despite your fear,
Despite our learned distance and disinterest,
You kept reaching for us
And I thank you for that.

About the Author – Rebecca Wickens
Rebecca Wickens

Rebecca Wickens is a corporate governance professional and mother of two young children, based in Waterloo, Ontario. After a series of major professional and personal life changes over the past few years, Rebecca is seeking to (re)discover who she is and where she wants to go in life. Writing fiction and creative non-fiction is one of the tools in this journey.

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