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Waggle Dance

Waggle Dance

– Poetry by Angelle McDougall –

Featured in Issue 18 of Dreamers Magazine

“The busy bee has no time for sorrow.” —William Blake

I was falling back
into the pit
of despair
no air
for me to breathe
I wallowed and swallowed
my tears
in pity
partly wanting
to fall
all the way
but a bee found me
pulled me up
into the light
he wiggle-waggled a path
across fields fragrant
with foxglove
through leas of lavender
and lilac bursting purple
in the sun
til we arrived at a hive
alive with the buzz
of busyness and bliss
the colony welcomed me
gave me purpose
opened my eyes
to poetic possibilities
showed me how to forage
flowers for phrases
sweet as nectar
turn it into sustenance
for the soul
helped me shine
like honey in sunlight
dared me to dance
my wiggly bee dance

Angelle McDougall

About the Author – Angelle McDougall

Angelle McDougall is neurodivergent and a dedicated world traveler, retired college instructor, mother of adult sons, graduate of The Writers Studio at SFU, and loom-knitter. She also enjoys chronicling the fantastic adventures shared with her author husband.

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