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The repetitiveness was mind-crushing. The cruise-lines he followed all day seemed like a prison.

Melrose Place

In harmony, in love
Though all things end
Even if it’s lightning in a bottle

A Portrait of Madness

Explore the words and worlds of those voices deemed too unruly. The term ‘Crazy’ undermines radical thought.

2022 Haiku Contest – The Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Dreamers Haiku Contest! Thanks to our guest judge, Reinekke Lengelle. Read the winning haiku…

Magazine Issue 12 – Just Released

We’re pleased to announce the release of Issue 12 of the Dreamers Magazine, including the winner of our Haiku Contest. Get your copy now!

an unknown package

it’s all garbage anyways that will just end up twirling around inside the Texas sized trash ball.

Anna Shannon


The aliens are bacteria, viruses and fungi. They like to live in the most trendy spot in the right now: the bowels.

Daniel Warriner

Alice ‘n’ Lobsterland

It glares down at me with a smug crustacean grin, and at once I have no question this is a lobster demon.

Finding the Narrator

So many questions. Who was she, that she would bury a book? Would it be wrong to dig it up and read it?