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0200 December 1st

where the humanity around me dissolves into bodies and the humanity within me dissolves into mind.

The Therapist Blues

Will my life be analyzed through a feminist lens? It sure as hell would be boring if you approached it biographically.


Marrying the kindest man you’d ever met still felt like a caging, only this time it was you who turned the key.

2022 Place and Home Contest Results

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Dreamers Creative Writing Stories of Migration, Sense of Place and Home Contest.

Thank You for Calling

These days in every direction I look, the world is falling apart. Fires and floods and extreme temperatures. A global pandemic. Almost 100 million refugees in the world seeking safe haven…

Good Fences

Marja would write the curse, seal it in a film canister, and then, in the guise of being a welcoming neighbour, bury it in the roots of whatever Marja planted in the garden as a gift.


As the video conference ended, quiet tears poured down her cheeks. She felt very small as if someone had taken her voice away.

Letter to My Ghost Kingdom

I mourn for the words of nobodies who had vital lessons or exceptional stories to tell, but they died, and their words were never found.