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Anthony Dennis Poetry Collection

I see the faces of the ones who do not complain. I stand, godlike, determining their fate. Civilization awaits my decision.


I shouldn’t say “should”, if I want to be happy. But who can be content while they are wasting borrowed time?

Moni Brar Poetry Collection

Cardamom cloves. Poured into mismatched cup and steel glasses. Sipped over gossip and a twin-tailed mermaid.

resisting gravity

fat weighs less than depression, but has greater volume, filling the space between id and ego, a gelatinous buffer against world.

Long Sleeves

If you had had just a little more time, I might have pulled up my sleeve to show you the bruises.

When You Write My Eulogy

Don’t mention my divorce or deferred adolescence but apologize
for the times I was a lousy parent.

Dreamers Magazine Issue 8

We’re pleased to announce the release of Issue 8 of the Dreamers Magazine, including the winners of our Place & Home Contest Get your copy now!

Barbed Wilderness

He’s tired of feeling like a criminal. He’s tired of being in a country that needed him, needed his people, but didn’t want their kind.


I am | the Other Side of the story, the face | from a picture book | whose title | you cannot | pronounce: | In another life | I forged with you across continents,