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Writing Craft: Simple Steps to Improve

This comprehensive guide offers valuable insights into the art and science of writing, helping you hone your craft and express your ideas more effectively.

Top 25 Most Popular Manga Right Now

If you’re searching for the most popular Manga right now, this top 25 list is the ideal starting point, whether a beginner or enthusiast.

Affect vs. Effect: A Guide to Correct Usage

Few word pairs cause as much confusion as “affect” and “effect.” Despite their similar appearance and pronunciation (called a homonym), these words have different meanings and functions in sentences.

February 5th, 2019

“My family prefers to refer to it as “poisoning”, which I’ve struggled to come to terms with.”

The Oxford Comma: A Little Mark with Big Impact

In the world of punctuation, where full stops end sentences and question marks make inquiries, there lies a tiny, often debated, and incredibly significant mark: the Oxford comma.

Poetry Contests

15 Annual Canadian Poetry Contests

In this article we’ve compiled a list of 15 annual poetry contests in Canada for emerging and established poets alike.

fiction contests

Writing Contests and Awards in Canada

Calling all Canadian fiction writers! Here are 13 upcoming short story contests by Canadian literary organizations. Most offer cash prizes.