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Joshua Tree

How to Leave

I have a piece of turquoise beach glass.The second rarest color, after orange. It sits collecting dust between…

Baby Make Like a Tree

i want to stick my fingers between all of your leaves i want to run my hands over your knots : step my bare feet onto your roots : sink against…

Bread Knife

Bread Knife

Mama and Barry mashed lumpy boiled potatoes into furrows with their forks, spread sour cream on top. I hated it. Mama cooked this every night, except the weekends when we had stringy boiled chicken.


Relation Ship and Other Poems

Relation ship of fools, the two of us set adrift squared to the sea, no rudder, no captain, no sails to see us through,unclear who is looking ahead the other behind us, just us. There were others but now just us asking…

Angie Abdou

An Interview with Angie Abdou

Writing from the heart, writing as an act of radical empathy, and writing without urgency. Angie Abdou is a Canadian author of numerous…

Neon Sign Bar


Dave looked at the neon sign in the corner of the bar window: ‘DEAD END.’ Even though the name…

Baby with hospital band around ankle


Lisa worried her way through the second round of in vitro and the resulting pregnancy with Stella and Jackson. Our first in vitro…


Slowing Down

Dr. Mica Monroe crossed the kitchen with four clicks of her six inch heels and opened the refrigerator door. Twenty one neatly stacked…