Storytelling in Marketing
It’s not enough anymore to just advertise facts; you have to tell a story. In the past, marketing was simple but our methods for communication have changed.
It’s not enough anymore to just advertise facts; you have to tell a story. In the past, marketing was simple but our methods for communication have changed.
The Basics of SEO: Write what you know and write it well, conduct keyword research, simplify your site structure, and solicit relevant inbound links.
But, before you sign up for every blog directory out there, read on.Read More »To Blog Directory or Not to Blog Directory
Infographics are the new trendy thing in content marketing. But do they work? Yes!
They work because over 65% of people are visual learners.Read More »Why Infographics?
– Choosing an Email Marketing System – In this article, I compare 8 email marketing systems geared towards small businesses and then tell you which email marketing system I ultimately chose for Dreamers Creative Writing. 3 important things Writers often set-up websites to promote their publications. Many even run small businesses, offering writing and editing services or promoting their writing… Read More »Best Email Marketing System for Authors
I’ve pulled together a comprehensive list of marketing activities for promoting a book or promoting an anthology. Read More »How to Promote a Book or Anthology