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Comfort Measures Only

“Mom is virtually paralyzed and pretty much non-responsive, but this nurse apparently did not get the memo.“

What We Lost

“A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return; the nostalgia, yearning, grief for the lost places of your past.”

The Child Thief

“I am not the only one battling demons. We are the remains of the day. The longing and horror of despair.”

The Loneliness of Loss

“Her touch. Her tone. Comforts? Cajoles? I can’t translate the language they’re communicating.”


I stumble out of the matatu taxi, struggle to hoist up my weighty backpack, and am immediately confronted by several people standing nearby under the leafy canopy of a large thorny acacia tree.


“Words were minced into morsels that she could spit across the room like outrageous profanities.”

Divided By One

“No one told us what we should do while doctors opened his ribcage and stopped his heart.”