Garbage Island
“For now, through heaps of oceanic garbage, the canyon between their father and I has been traversed.”
“For now, through heaps of oceanic garbage, the canyon between their father and I has been traversed.”
“What you love most of all is the way the sleepover allows you to seamlessly slip into your best friend’s family.“
“Which one is the right foot?” I asked, confused. The CO said, “They don’t have rights and lefts.”
“They hurdled our tree branches, threading the streaking space of the air as you and I have done.“
“I opened my eyes to dad boots, your mouth silent as snowfall. Steady rhythmic steps carried us home.“
“I hadn’t known how brave you’d been—open-heart surgeries and cardiac arrests, all concealed from me and our sisters.“
“If I am a sailboat crossing the ocean, he is the wind; and if I climb a mountain, he is a flower in the field.“
“Now, when I pin the twin toddlers to my collar, I murmur to the sailor-suited little boy, “I see you, Frank.“
“Mom is virtually paralyzed and pretty much non-responsive, but this nurse apparently did not get the memo.“