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Stories Poems Essays

Thank You for Calling

These days in every direction I look, the world is falling apart. Fires and floods and extreme temperatures. A global pandemic. Almost 100 million refugees in the world seeking safe haven…

Good Fences

Marja would write the curse, seal it in a film canister, and then, in the guise of being a welcoming neighbour, bury it in the roots of whatever Marja planted in the garden as a gift.


As the video conference ended, quiet tears poured down her cheeks. She felt very small as if someone had taken her voice away.

Letter to My Ghost Kingdom

I mourn for the words of nobodies who had vital lessons or exceptional stories to tell, but they died, and their words were never found.

Last Night I Dreamt

The basement flooded and I watched the water fill the house to the rim. My books were ruined and I began to write my own.

Deeply Rooted

I am hugging a tree, grounded with roots descending deep into the earth, blood as sap circulates and nourishes my body.

Quiet Reflection on a Trying Year

My first time alone on New Year’s Eve, future uncertain, past unresolved. The desire for time travel escapes me.


There once was a boy named Max. Not just an ordinary boy, but a boy who could fly.