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Stories Poems Essays

Our Institutions

Over the last twelve months of life at the Alvarezes, from fall of ‘65 to fall ‘66, the seasons gained momentum. The autumn equinox passed.

Results of the First Dreamers Flash Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 Dreamers Flash Fiction and Nonfiction Contest. In a flash story, it’s important to make every word count…

The Monster Barber

My father left his barbershop to work in construction years before I was born, yet he never stopped cutting hair. If you knew Gennaro well enough to visit his Italian home in the inner city of Cleveland…

The Memory Box

In our living room, a box sits atop a record player, with a black and white photo placed upon the box. All three items act as a tabletop for collected dust…

Chandy C. John - Photo Album


“You need to choose which memories you want to delete,” the doctor said as she clasped her hands behind her head and tried to appear calm and confident…

An Uncaged Bird

A chick on a board. Rise, drop, hot wheels singin’, the wind in her hair. Ready for Scarecrow man – break on your board, slide under his skinny arm.


Jane raced around her apartment leaving chaos in her wake. She was like a whirling dervish of manic energy. She always worked herself into a state…

Dreamers Magazine Issue 5

I’m pleased to announce the release of Issue 5 of the Dreamers Magazine. In this issue you’ll find…

Eliminating Rahiem

I have already decided: Today is the day I will kill my mother’s boyfriend. Mama’s loaded shotgun has been leaning against her old dresser…