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Stories Poems Essays

Fragile Dismantling

“dandelion clock—the fragile dismantling one puff at a time”

Dew Cocktails

“maple leaves curled into veined orange goblets holding dew cocktails”

Going Grey

“His pretty little birdies flew away. The thing about being a ghost is that I get to scare the shit out of people…”


“Balancing on one leg atop a giant boulder, they look at the camera, their eyes alight with laughter…”

2023 Haiku Contest Winner

“this book, some bug spray, comfortable bench in the shade, worlds overlapping, new light reflecting…”


“There’s a photo on her dresser from a trip to Paris. Mom gazes up at my father as he laughs…”

2023 Haiku Contest – The Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Dreamers Haiku Contest! Thanks to our guest judge, Reinekke Lengelle. Read the winning haiku…

Thank God It’s Thursday

“It was no different than any other day for me. ‘Active shooter… Shelter in place…’ was all I could process…”