Our magazines are filled from front to back with writing that is from the heart.
Become one of the readers that keeps this magazine going.
A Message From our Editor-in-Chief
On December 29, 2017, Dreamers Creative Writing went live online. It was a quiet celebration. Launching a website can be a lonely endeavour. In the first week, I checked Google Analytics hourly and was excited to see Dreamers reach 100 total views within a few days. My goal was 10,000 views a month by the end of the first year. As an experienced marketer, I thought I knew what to expect, but, in its fifth month, Dreamers topped 30,000 views. It’s hard to describe the feeling of that number, of knowing that so many people who share my love of personal, meaningful writing exist in the world. Finding myself surrounded by a community of kindred spirits is a lovely feeling. Turns out, I’m not as alone as I thought! Thank you for being out there.
I believe we can learn a lot from sharing our lived experiences. That’s why Dreamers is dedicated to life writing in all its forms. Throughout human history, storytelling provided the thread that bound what was good in humanity together. But, when I look at contemporary life and culture, I can’t help but think that we’ve lost our way—we’ve dropped the threads of our story. We need to find methods for encouraging understanding and empathy across borders, cultures, environments and genders in order to reestablish the emotional connection that makes us who we are. Because, if what is happening now is a true reflection of our species, then what kind of future are we facing? We need to dream, write, speak and live a better story.
I am hoping you can support our efforts. Please consider becoming a Dreamers Magazine subscriber or by purchasing a single issue of the magazine. Many writers have poured their hearts onto our pages and all they ask in return is that someone, somewhere, read what they’ve written. Reading this magazine is a gift.
On behalf of my team, and all the Dreamers’ authors, thank you!
Kat McNichol
Here’s what other readers are saying…
“The magazine looks great! I love the visuals.” — Terry Engel
“Extraordinary and highly recommended.” — Amela Hajdarevic
“I just got the mag. That is impressive. Thank you!” — Frank Diamond
“WOW !! Congratulations for creating such a high quality journal for writers – and readers!” — Barbara Bradley
“Your magazine seems to be getting better and better … I enjoy reading everything.” — James Cussen
“Congratulations! What an accomplishment!” — Jim Ross
Dreamers Magazine Issue 19 highlights:
The winners of the 2024 Dreamers Flash Contest.
The first place winner of the 2024 Pen Parentis Fellowship.
Feature stories “George’s Gold Nugget” and “It wasn’t supposed to be this way”.
A book review of Rhea Tregebov’s fiction novel, Rue des Rosiers.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 18 highlights:
The winners of the 2024 Dreamers Haiku Contest.
A book review of Bliss Adair and the First Rule of Knitting.
“Horses of Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone”, a poem by John Garmon.
Jessica Magonet’s nonfiction story, “A Catalogue of Sleepovers”.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 17 highlights:
Winners of the 2024 Stories of Migration, Sense of Place & Home Contest.
Winners of the 2024 Micro Nonfiction Story Contest.
“For the Seagulls (Journal, Notebook #44)”, a poem by Wess Mongo Jolley.
Shalom Camenietzki’s fiction story, “The Bar Mitzvah Boy”.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 16 highlights:
The first and second place winners of the 2024 Pen Parentis Fellowship.
The winners of the 2023 Dreamers Flash Contest.
A book review of Vincent Lamb’s fiction novel, On The Ravine.
Alexis MacIssac’s nonfiction story, “Irish Exit”.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 15 highlights:
The winners of the 2023 Dreamers Haiku Contest.
A book review of Ellen Keith’s fiction novel, The Dutch Orphan.
Nicole Rashter’s fiction story, “Between The Blinds”
A selection of 20+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 14 highlights:
Editorial: Exploring the Impact of ChatGPT and AI Technology on Creative Writing.
The winners of the 2023 Stories of Migration, Sense of Place & Home!
The winners of the 2023 Micro Nonfiction Story Writing Contest!
A selection of 20+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 13 highlights:
Rosalind Forster’s nonfiction story, “Counselling in the Time of Covid: Healing from the Veranda.”
The winning story of the 2023 Pen Parentis Fellowship, “After the Storm.”
The winners of the 2022 Dreamers Flash Fiction Contest!
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 12 highlights:
Featuring the winners of our 2022 Haiku Contest!
A book review of Grace Lau’s rebellious poetry collection, The Language We Were Never Taught to Speak.
Sarah Milne-Flamer’s nonfiction article, “A Portrait of Madness”
A selection of 20+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 11 highlights:
Nonfiction story, “Alice n’ Lobsterland”, about a boy and a lobster demon.
A feature article that asks: Are you future phobic? How anticipating the future brings joy in the present…
The winner of the 2022 Dreamers Place & Home Contest.
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 10 highlights:
Featuring “Post-Mortem,” a story of love found, lost, found and lost again.
Winner of the 2022 Pen Parentis Writing Fellowship for New Parents.
The winners of our 2021 FLASH contest.
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 9 highlights:
Winners of the 2021 Dreamers Haiku Contest.
Michael Charpentier’s “Dein Finger,” about a moment that changed the trajectory of a life.
Book Review of Sarah Louise Butler’s The Wild Heavens.
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 8 highlights:
An interview with Angie Bullaro, author of Breaking the Ice and Manon Rhéaume, only woman to play hockey in the NHL.
A personal essay by physician, Hilton Koppe, about his discovery of the healing power of writing.
The winners of our Place & Home contest.
Featuring Ann-Marie Brown’s painting, “Cold Crossing, Quebec Border,” on the cover.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 7 highlights:
The winning story of the 2021 Pen Parentis Fellowship, “The Cats.”
This winners of our 2020 Flash Contest.
An interview with Nicole Crimi, author and illustrator of Patty and the Pandemic, who describes the powerful combination of art and medicine.
A book review that reads as lyrically as the book under review, multiple poems, a short essay, and even more heartfelt (and heartbreaking) stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 6 highlights:
A selection of articles dedicated to healing writing.
An interview with acclaimed psychotherapist, Demian Brown.
The winning haiku from our haiku contest.
A selection of 20+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 5 highlights:
An interview with author, Erin Bow, a Governor General Award winner.
The winners of our “Place & Home” contest.
17 Canadian writing contests with big cash prizes.
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 4 highlights:
An interview with poet and social justice advocate, Margot Van Sluytman.
The winners of our 2019 FLASH contest.
2020 Pen Parentis Writing Fellowship winner.
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 3 highlights:
An interview with Caroline Misner, author of The Spoon Asylum.
The winners of our 2019 Haiku writing contest.
Our top 10 picks for Exotic Writing Retreats around the world.
Heartfelt writing – 20+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 2 highlights:
An interview with Steven Heighton, a Governor General Award winner for poetry.
The winners of our “Stories of Migration, Place and Home” writing contest.
A list of 35 writing festivals in Canada.
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.
Dreamers Magazine Issue 1 highlights:
An exclusive interview with author, Angie Abdou, a CBC Canada Reads finalist.
The winning poem and 6 honourable mentions from our 2018 HAIKU Contest.
A list of 73 amazing literary places to submit your writing.
A selection of 15+ heartfelt poems and stories.