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An Accident

An Accident

– Poem by Genelle Chaconas –

Sad person

It was an accident, he didn’t mean to, I forced him, I provoked, I should have kept my distance, should have shut up when told, should have stopped struggling, should have calmed down, it’s so simple, everything is easier when I cooperate, it’s not his fault, he didn’t mean it, he’ll never do it again, I caused it, it’s my fault, I am safe with him.

About the Author – Genelle Chaconas
Genelle Chaconas

Genelle Chaconas is nonbinary gendered, queer, an abuse survivor, has mood disorders, and feels proud. They earned a BA in Creative Writing from CSUS in 2009, an MFA in Writing & Poetics from Naropa University in 2015, and 50k of debt. They’ve been published lots but don’t namedrop. Their chapbooks include Fallout Saints and Dirty Pictures (little m press, 2011) and Yet Wave (the Lune, 2017). Their first novel, Plague City, is pending publication from the Journal of Experimental Fiction; this novel won this publication’s 2019 Kenneth Patchen Award. They serve as head editor for HockSpitSlurp Literary Magazine. They enjoy scifi and gangster flix, drone/noise/industrial music, and long walks off short piers.

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