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an unknown package

an unknown package

– Poetry by Joey Salomone –

the weatherman said the sun is dead
a locked front door
an unknown package
get a signature
the end of the world

the reflection in a window
I squint to
identify if it’s shut

is the chain on or off?
locking me in or you out?

being trapped inside this
brain and living room
are the worst two

yes, I’m still watching, well, sort of as
I look up periodically from my phone

as I stumble steadfast around
this shelter in place
muttering excuses to
myself about why I
can’t just sit down and write


it’s all garbage anyways
that will just end up
twirling around inside
the Texas sized trash ball
in the ocean.

About the Author – Joey Salomone
Joey	Salomone

Joseph Salomone was born in 1984 in Kansas City, Missouri. As a homeschooled child, he spent much of his younger years reading and writing. At a young age, he showed a love for poetry, both writing and reading poems daily. He graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Broadcasting and a minor in creative writing. For several years he made independent films, he was a high school English teacher for four years and then worked as a Paramedic for several years. He is currently working a nurse in KCMO and attending graduate school. He reads and writes poetry daily. His work has been featured in Silver Rose Magazine, Tofu Ink Arts Press, Wingless Dreamer, Poets Choice and he has two self-published books of poetry.

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