Prairie Heartbeats
– Poetry by K-Lynn –

In Memory of Tracy Latimer
Clear blue dipping onto the white-crusted fields of October
Defined by her birth, spastic, speechless
A decade and two years of prairie farming
Emotional turmoil gloved his weather worn hands
Cab of the pickup truck willingly demarcated
Wheelchair empty of her cheerful, mischievous spirit
Their hearts beat in shattered rhythm
His iron weighted footsteps trudge a distance
Smothering blanket of exhaust fumes invade
Gasping! Choking! Lungs bursting her demise—confined!
Watching the gassy fog become her grave, he waits
Tick tock, tick tock, thirty strokes of time she fades
The engine stops!
His hands touching her limp silhouette;
Laid in the comfort of her bed; a quilt of denial is tucked around her shoulders
Her words never to be revealed; his, “For the love of my child!”
Checks damp with wintriness reality
Advocates, grieve in synchronicity for justice
In pandemonium, throats cry out
Did her eyes blink once for yes, twice for no
Were their teardrops gushing waterfalls or barren Saskatchewan lands
Was her mind screaming DADDY, DDAAADDY don’t make me go
Or thinking its time now we both know?
Only their hearts intertwined
Defending his heartbeat in a casket of second-degree murder
her heart beat
About the Author – K-Lynn

K-Lynn is a born and raised Albertan finding her home in Calgary. She is a registered Social Worker; enjoys being active through kayaking, biking, and Zumba classes. She emphasizes, “Writing is a malnourished passion that now wants attention.”
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To check out all the poetry available on Dreamers, like this poem by K-Lynn, visit our poetry section.
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