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Dreamers Reading Room

A Catalogue of Sleepovers

“What you love most of all is the way the sleepover allows you to seamlessly slip into your best friend’s family.“

A murmuration

A murmuration

“A murmuration of starlings, fans dark gossip with whispering wings”

5 Timeless Lessons from Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven

Explore five timeless lessons from Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven. From its haunting atmosphere to its powerful use of repetition and symbolism, discover what makes this famous poem a lasting masterpiece that continues to captivate readers.

The Starfish

“Did you know that if a starfish loses one if it’s legs, it can just grow a new one? It’s called regeneration.”

A Growing Stray Cat Mystery at Dreamers Writing Farm

Recently, something unexpected has been happening at Dreamers Writing Farm: a steady stream of stray and abandoned cats have been finding their way to our doorstep. We’ve been doing everything we can to help these lost souls, but the journey has been emotional and full of surprises. In our latest blog, we share the heartwarming and challenging moments of caring for these animals and the incredible support we’ve found along the way.

Dreamers Magazine Issue 18 Now Available

We’re pleased to announce the release of Issue 18 of the Dreamers Magazine, featuring our Haiku Contest winners. Get your copy now!

2024 Haiku Contest – The Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Dreamers Haiku Contest! Thanks to our judges, Dr. Reinekke Lengelle and Dr. Bob Fecho. Read the winning haiku…

Exploring the Timeless Allure of Fables

Fables, those compact tales brimming with wisdom and charm, have captivated readers for centuries. Though often associated with ancient times, their appeal remains timeless, speaking to the essence of human experience through simple yet profound narratives. Let’s delve into the world of fables, uncovering why they continue to enchant and inspire.