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– Poetry by Karla Cordero – March 25, 2018 –

contractors unveil 8 prototypes for trump’s border wall in san diego county- tribune media wire
october 26, 2017

Reincarnation Trump's border wall


they’ve been out there     for weeks   metal in the sun          twisted wire
the ghost-making deed of cement                              forging a dead-

end      teaching a country      how to erase a country           & a people learn
to butterfly over exile                                                be the swarm of bees

be their pollinated-backs        learn to harpoon the wind       be marching moonlight
light-woken shadows                          snake holes                 the opposite to splinter

rain like bone water        droplets of faces          willing to offer their throats
like the neck      of the bloom scattering dandelion     that children are eager to hold



ReincarnationAbout the Author

Karla Cordero is a Chicana poet, activist and a descendant of the Chichimeca tribe who lives in Carlsbad, CA. She is a Pushcart Nominee and the recipient of the Loft Literary Center Spoken Word Immersion fellowship (Minneapolis, MN). Her work is published and forthcoming in Tinderbox, Word Riot, Poetry International, The Acentos Review, Toe Good Poetry, among other journals and anthologies. Cordero published her first chapbook, Grasshoppers Before Gods (Dancing Girl Press 2016).



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