Results of the 2020 Place and Home Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Dreamers Stories of Migration, Sense of Place and Home Contest.
This contest honours the term “Dreamers” as it applies to migration, place and home. Selecting just one entry was extremely difficult, as each of these winning stories, poems and essays embodied the theme of this contest in their own uniquely beautiful way.
In the end, we awarded a first place prize and a second place prize. Both selections were published in Issue 5 of the Dreamers Magazine, and online on the Dreamers website.
Additionally, we chose 5 honorable mentions. Each honorable mention received an honorarium of $20 and online publication.
Here’s the winning line-up!
First Place:
Our Institutions
Nonfiction by N. R. Robinson
“Wedged with me in that converted utility closet was a pee-stained mattress and caged ceiling bulb illuminating a furious history splashed across scuffed and dented walls…”
Second Place:
The Babies
Nonfiction by Cynthia Hunter
“…my heart lurches as sobbing infants are carried in one by one in the arms of their nannies. Their tear stained faces howl with round, wide open mouths as they are passed to waiting parents.”
Honorable Mentions:
Bring Me Your Yearning
Fiction by Michele Reisinger
Mumina, the Mouse & I
Fiction by Isabella Mori
Under Water
Fiction by Cindy Littlefield
History Lessons
Poetry by Soraya Farha
Nonfiction by Kimberly Roda Moorhead
Congratulations to all the winners of the 2020 Place and Home contest, and thank you to everyone who entered the contest!
Our 2021 Sense of Place and Home Contest is now open for submissions! Submit your stories of migration and/or your sense of place, of home or lack of, for your chance to win! Submissions are due by January 31, 2021.
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