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“Words were minced into morsels that she could spit across the room like outrageous profanities.”

Divided By One

“No one told us what we should do while doctors opened his ribcage and stopped his heart.”

Irish Exit

“For in that version, he had spared me a distant handshake. Spared me a goodbye. Left me the wide universe.”

Homemade Insanity

Homemade Insanity

“My sweet, forbidden, secret recipe. Doctors will call you bipolar disorder, but to me, you are life itself.”

February 5th, 2019

“My family prefers to refer to it as “poisoning”, which I’ve struggled to come to terms with.”


“Jumping was the entire point, of course. V. had amassed the thorns to train the kittens by way of trauma.”


“If I just tried harder my brain would change the structure and would morph into a normal one.”