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You loved the rose-scented soap in my bathroom. You would rub it all over your body in the shower, and I would flinch, and think ‘is that even hygienic’?

hands holding

Who I Am

I never knew how my mom would answer the question that I’d pose to her each morning when I’d call at 6:45. It was the same question every day…

Here At Home

When my grandmother died, my mother reported that her last words were: “Is that all?” Although I was not present at her death, I doubted this.


My daughter, now eighteen, is vibrant and healthy. Julia Rose has wild curly blonde hair that frames her face like a lion’s mane.

Where Courage Lives

I walk into my parents’ home to pick my mom up for a family gathering, and like most days over the past few weeks, palpable sorrow greets me at the door.

The First 50

While growing up in Spanish Harlem – El Barrio as we knew it during the exhilarating years of the 1970s and 80s – diversity was my monarch, acceptance my culture, and faith my freedom.

I Will If You Will

Good friends are hard to find. Some friendships are centred around convenience; we build attachments to those around us simply because they are there.

The Transient Nature of Feelings

I am on the second floor of the De Young Museum in San Francisco, California, sitting on a marvelous curved, but slightly uncomfortable, wooden bench…

Landscape of Freckles

I am borne of a landscape of freckles. My mother, her father, his mother: the Williams and Shepherds, the English and Welsh. The bounty of peach farms, peace roses and quiet spirituality.