2018 Pushcart Prize Nominations
2019 Dreamers Pushcart Prize Nominations …we’re pleased to announce our 2019 Pushcart Prize nominations! Check them out.
2019 Dreamers Pushcart Prize Nominations …we’re pleased to announce our 2019 Pushcart Prize nominations! Check them out.
I remember the fire trucks with all the lights flashing and the noise and the woman screaming down the street. I was six, the teachers whispered nervously…
My breasts once wept at the first musings of a strangers hunger-smacking lips, a pursed, round strawberry and wet with the taste of milk still on the tongue…
On edge of a razor-guarded campus, Marigolds tower to meet drooping pines. Though unaware as cheerful children, Dry Texas earth spells death for them both.
Displayed within, life’s moments extrapolated, tangible anguish, remnants of sorrow. With haphazard intent, encapsulated vestiges scattered…
Fifty feet of nylon line and a milk jug stretched across the bay. Twenty hooks, mostly trebles, hung waiting; chicken liver and dough balls luring them in.
To your villa they come– the sketchbooks, the cameras, parade past your clay mugs and plates, black lace mantillas that covered your legs, white wooden bed…
シェイクスピア閉じて夏を志す | I closed poems of Shakespeare | And I made up my mind | To be in the summer
On the same bittersweet day | I gave each a name | And loved each alike.| On the same bittersweet day, | I rocked a crib | And commissioned a grave.