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“Like white linen butterflies, envelopes flew and fluttered with each passing car. Refugees on the asphalt…”

Stages of Grief

“Anger’s fierce light split the shell I wore, seared this grief-bruised brain, with fiery cleansing…”

Left Home Torn

Left Home Torn

“Each fall the sharp-eyed gannets arrived in long lines, plunging from the sky and learning how to swallow underwater.”

A Bed as a Nest

Aching claws and depression and addiction so deep, she sometimes just wants to sleep in her bed forever.

Kelly Cammack Poetry Collection

My sister is slowly killing me with every failed suicide. The one thing we have in common: We float.

Nicole Farmer Poetry Collection

I want to understand humanity, but I can make no sense of this. This timeless tragedy plays out again and again…

Cat Remembers Being Young

Today I tap my tail against a dandelion while admiring my ageless shadow